Qu'est ce que la LC (lettre de correspondance) ou LI (Lettre d
Qu'est ce que la LC (lettre de correspondance) ou LI (Lettre d from pvtistes.net

If you have ever had the chance to study in France, you may have noticed that one of the most common forms of writing for French students is the commentaire de texte en anglais. This type of writing is used to analyse and interpret a given text, and is often requested by teachers in the classroom. So, if you need to know how to write a commentaire de texte en anglais, read on and learn the basics.

To begin with, it is important to understand what a commentaire de texte en anglais is. In essence, it is a commentary on a given text, which can be anything from a book or poem, to a newspaper article or any other type of writing. The aim of the commentaire is to analyse the text and interpret it in a meaningful way. This means that the writer must identify the main ideas, themes and arguments presented in the text and make sense of them.

When writing a commentaire de texte en anglais, it is important to keep in mind that the commentary should be objective and unbiased. This means that the writer should not express any personal opinions or biases when analysing the text. Instead, they should focus on the facts and present an unbiased interpretation of the text.

In addition to being objective and unbiased, the commentaire de texte en anglais should also be structured. This means that the writer should divide the text into sections and subsections, and introduce each section with a clearly stated purpose. This will help the reader to follow the analysis and understand the writer’s interpretation of the text.

When it comes to writing a commentaire de texte en anglais, it is important to remember that it is not the same as writing an essay. An essay will typically focus on one particular topic and explore it in depth, while a commentaire de texte will usually take a more abstract approach. Instead of exploring a single topic in depth, the writer should explore the text as a whole and look at the different ideas and themes presented within it.

Finally, when writing a commentaire de texte en anglais, it is important to remember to support any claims made with evidence from the text. This means that the writer should use quotations from the text and cite them correctly. This will help the reader to see that the writer has properly analysed the text and is presenting an accurate interpretation of it.

So, if you are looking to master the art of writing a commentaire de texte en anglais, it is important to keep in mind the above advice. By understanding the basics of this type of writing and following the advice given above, you should be able to write a commentaire de texte en anglais with ease. Good luck!

Example 1: Commentaire De Texte En Anglais

In this example, we will look at a commentaire de texte en anglais written on the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost. In this poem, Frost explores the idea of making choices and the consequences of those choices. The commentaire de texte en anglais should analyse this poem in detail and interpret it in a meaningful way.

The first thing that the writer should do is to identify the main ideas and themes presented in the poem. This can be done by looking for key words and phrases that are repeated throughout the poem. For example, the phrase ‘two roads diverged’ is used several times, and this suggests the idea of making a choice and the consequences of that choice. In addition, the phrase ‘I took the one less travelled by’ is also repeated throughout the poem, suggesting the idea of taking the road less travelled and the rewards that come with it.

Once the main ideas and themes have been identified, the writer should then take a look at the structure of the poem. This can be done by looking at how the poem is divided into sections, and how each section is connected to the next. For example, in the first section of the poem, Frost talks about the two roads that diverge and the decision that has to be made. In the second section, he talks about the road he has chosen, and what it means for his future. Finally, in the last section, he reflects on the decision he has made and its implications for his life.

By analysing the structure of the poem, the writer should be able to identify the main points that Frost is trying to make. For example, the poem suggests that by taking the road less travelled, a person can reap the rewards of a life well lived. In addition, the poem suggests that it is important to make difficult decisions and that those decisions have consequences that must be faced. Therefore, the commentaire de texte en anglais should explore these ideas in detail and provide an interpretation of the poem.

Example 2: Commentaire De Texte En Anglais

In this example, we will look at a commentaire de texte en anglais written on the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In this novel, Fitzgerald explores the idea of the American Dream and how it can be corrupted by greed and materialism. The commentaire de texte en anglais should analyse this novel in detail and interpret it in a meaningful way.

The first thing that the writer should do is to identify the main ideas and themes presented in the novel. This can be done by looking for key words and phrases that are repeated throughout the novel. For example, the phrase ‘the green light’ is used several times, and this suggests the idea of hope and the pursuit of the American Dream. In addition, the phrase ‘the Valley of Ashes’ is also repeated throughout the novel, suggesting the idea of a society that is corrupted by greed and materialism.

Once the main ideas and themes have been identified, the writer should then take a look at the structure of the novel. This can be done by looking at how the novel is divided into sections, and how each section is connected to the next. For example, in the first section of the novel, Fitzgerald introduces us to the main characters and their pursuit of the American Dream. In the second section, he explores the idea of materialism and how it can corrupt the ideal of the American Dream. Finally, in the last section, he reflects on the consequences of materialism and greed and the destruction it can cause.

By analysing the structure of the novel, the writer should be able to identify the main points that Fitzgerald is trying to make. For example, the novel suggests that the pursuit of the American Dream can be corrupted by materialism and greed. In addition, the novel suggests that it is important to remain true to one’s ideals and that money and material possessions are not the only source of happiness. Therefore, the commentaire de texte en anglais should explore these ideas in detail and provide an interpretation of the novel.