Bonsoirs, en anglais je dois ecrire une sorte de lettre sur mes vacance
Bonsoirs, en anglais je dois ecrire une sorte de lettre sur mes vacance from

I’m having the time of my life in France! I’ve been exploring Paris, eating delicious food, and even taking a few day trips to the countryside. It’s been an amazing experience and I’ll be sad to leave. I hope you’re doing well and that we can catch up soon. All the best!
– John

Example 2

Dear Mom and Dad,
I hope this postcard finds you both in good health. I’m having a great time here in France and I’ve already seen so many amazing sights. The Eiffel Tower was especially breathtaking! I’m looking forward to coming home soon. Love you both!
– Sarah


Writing a postcard in English is a great way to share your experiences while travelling. By following the tips and examples provided here, you can create a postcard that will leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s to someone you know or a stranger, a postcard in English is a great way to connect with others and share your stories.