Lettre Dans L Attente De Votre Réponse Exemple de Lettre
Lettre Dans L Attente De Votre Réponse Exemple de Lettre from exempledelettres.blogspot.com

Are you considering applying for an Erasmus exchange programme? If so, you must be aware that the key to success is a well-structured and convincing motivation letter. Your English language skills will be tested in this letter, so make sure you give it your best. Although writing a motivational letter in English can be a daunting task, it is one of the essential elements of your application.

What is an Erasmus Exchange Programme?

The Erasmus exchange programme is an initiative of the European Union (EU) to promote international exchange and collaboration among European students. It allows students to spend a part of their studies abroad, typically in another EU country. The programme offers both academic and cultural advantages, and is open to students of all levels, including bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students.

Why Should You Write a Motivational Letter in English?

The purpose of the Erasmus motivation letter is to convince the selection committee that you are the right candidate for the exchange programme. The letter should be clear, concise and convincing. Writing in English is the best way to demonstrate your language skills and convince the committee that you can communicate effectively in a foreign language.

Tips to Write an Effective Erasmus Motivation Letter in English

1. Be Clear and Concise

Be sure to keep your Erasmus motivation letter clear and concise. Avoid being overly wordy and try to keep your letter to one page. This will help you demonstrate your strong writing skills and show that you can express yourself clearly in English.

2. Show Your Passion

Your motivation letter should be written with enthusiasm and energy. Show the selection committee how passionate you are about the Erasmus exchange programme and how it has motivated you to improve your English language skills and gain international experience.

3. Demonstrate Your Knowledge

Be sure to demonstrate your knowledge of the Erasmus exchange programme and the host country. Show the selection committee that you have researched the programme and are aware of the opportunities it offers and the challenges it presents.

4. Focus on Your Strengths

Use your Erasmus motivation letter to highlight your strengths and show the selection committee why you are the best candidate for the exchange programme. Focus on your academic achievements, international experience, language skills and cultural understanding as well as any other relevant skills and experiences.

5. Proofread Your Letter

Take the time to proofread your Erasmus motivation letter in English. Make sure there are no typos or grammar mistakes. Ask a native speaker to read over your letter and give you feedback. This will help you ensure that your letter is flawless and will give you the best chance of being accepted into the exchange programme.

Examples of Erasmus Motivation Letters

Example 1

My name is John Smith and I am a third year student of French and Spanish at the University of Oxford. I am writing to apply for the Erasmus Exchange Programme at the University of Barcelona. As a student of two languages, I am passionate about learning and exploring new cultures. I believe that an exchange programme such as this would be the perfect opportunity for me to continue my language studies and gain valuable international experience.

I have always been passionate about learning new languages and have been particularly interested in French and Spanish. I have studied these languages for the past four years and have achieved excellent results in both. I am confident that my language skills will be an asset to the Erasmus Exchange Programme. I am also passionate about cultural exchange and look forward to the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Barcelona.

In addition to my language skills, I am also an experienced traveller. I have visited many countries in Europe and have a keen interest in different cultures. I am confident that this international experience will benefit me during the exchange programme. I am also an active member of several student societies at the University of Oxford, which has allowed me to develop my interpersonal and organisational skills.

I am convinced that I have the necessary skills and enthusiasm to make a valuable contribution to the Erasmus Exchange Programme. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Barcelona, to develop my language skills and to gain international experience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Example 2

My name is Mary Jones and I am a third year student of Business Studies at the University of Manchester. I am writing to apply for the Erasmus Exchange Programme at the University of Paris. I am passionate about international business and believe that an exchange programme such as this would be the perfect opportunity for me to learn more about international business and gain valuable international experience.

I have always been passionate about international business and have been particularly interested in the opportunities and challenges of doing business in a foreign country. I am confident that my knowledge and experience of business will be an asset to the Erasmus Exchange Programme. I am also passionate about cultural exchange and look forward to the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Paris.

In addition to my business experience, I am also an experienced traveller. I have visited many countries in Europe and have a keen interest in different cultures. I am confident that this international experience will benefit me during the exchange programme. I am also an active member of several student societies at the University of Manchester, which has allowed me to develop my interpersonal and organisational skills.

I am convinced that I have the necessary skills and enthusiasm to make a valuable contribution to the Erasmus Exchange Programme. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Paris, to develop my knowledge of international business and to gain valuable international experience. Thank you for your time and consideration.